Here are some testimonials from our members and visitors. Scroll down to submit your own.

The Omni Local free speed seminar enabled me to feel comfortable about the challenges I face as a business owner using LinkedIn to its full potential having not really needed to in the past. I gained greater understanding of the terminology people use surrounding connections on Linked in e.g. First degree connections and picked up lots of tips regarding ways in which to reach out to existing connections and how to best communicate with them, how to target specific types of client using search functions, and how to keep accurate records of what action you have taken and the results. I feel much more confident about the whole thing now and will definitely be putting aside time in my diary each week to concentrate on Linked in and making the best use of it. Thank you Mark for your wonderful insight.
Date of Posting: 01 August 2016
Posted By: Gillian Yates APFS
Associate Partner of St. James's Place Wealth Management, London
I really enjoyed the Networking, the people were great! You made me feel really comfortable as Networking isn't normally my thing. I will definitely come again and I am looking forward to learning about social media from you in September!
Date of Posting: 14 July 2016
Posted By: Lisa
Visitor to the Worcester Park Group
John has been such an amazing person to work with through Networking. Not only has he helped me get business through him but he has also been able to support me in setting up and running my business. He has been so good with setting up OLBN and I will wish him all the success and look forward to working with him in the continued future.
Date of Posting: 11 July 2016
Posted By: Julia Cheeseman
Starfish Admin Services Ltd, Farnborough
Since joining this very refreshing network group I have benefited from leads that have not only generated income but have also repaid me for my outlay. So much so that the Company I represent have also taken membership. If you are looking for tangible results from networking then look no further. The other members will do all they can to assist you whatever your targets are and I have great pleasure in recommending anyone who has the determination to succeed to visit one of the groups available and see for yourself.
Date of Posting: 21 June 2016
Posted By: Stirling Robertson
Regional Sales Manager - First Payment Merchant Services, Camberley
IT'S ONLY BEEN 2 WEEKS! My membership has already been worth it. As I have called your contact at the letting agents and he's very interested to receive more information regarding our services. He genuinely seemed interested and we will set up a face-to-face meeting as well.
Date of Posting: 16 May 2016
Posted By: Laszlo Daragics
Member at Farnham & Farnborough, London

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