Omni Local Business Networking logo

Venue: Worplesdon Place
Perry Hill
QR Code Guildford

Oakleaf is the registered charity for Guildford & Woking


Oakleaf Master Logo


This meeting is currently online, however, we are looking to get back to physical meetings ASAP and are limited to just 20 attendees!

All our meetings are now taking place via Zoom, and limited to just 24 attendees!

Meet the Team

Group Director

John Gower Omni Business Development Network

NAME: John Gower
COMPANY NAME: Omni Business Development Network
SERVICES: Helping businesses with Business Development and generating LEADS and SALES through networking. ► Networking Events ► Networking Workshops & 1-2-1 Training ► Speed Networking Services ► Networking Mentor John is passionate about connecting local businesses and has Been running Omni Local ltd for over 10 years!
T: 07898 870 870
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Group Support Mgr

Louisa Coy Every Cloud Virtual Business ServicesNAME: Louisa Coy
COMPANY NAME: Every Cloud Virtual Business Services
SERVICES: Been self employed since August 2021 when I was made redundant from my employed corporate role in lockdown. We specialise in EA support (diary, inbox management, expenses etc) but all general/personal admin as well.
BRIEF ABOUT YOU: Married to Trevor since October 2022, we met online just before lockdown! Love reading, cooking, seeing friends and family and walking our Springer Spaniel, Monty.
T: 07464 507 057
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Networking Buddy

Cathrine Nicholas

NAME: Cathrine Nicholas
COMPANY NAME: Hearten Soul Coaching
SERVICES: Coaching for your Heart and Soul Working with individuals and groups who want to make change in their life but not sure how Working with individuals and groups who are unafraid to be the best version of themselves and to walk a path of insight
BRIEF BIO: A transformational life coach who loves life, people and all things outdoorsy Family comes first, fiercely loyal and conscientious Practical, organised (mostly), kind and caring Loves to meet new people and hear their stories
T: 07523 562 516
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Regional Director

John Gower - Regional Director
NAME: John Gower
SERVICES: Local Magazine and Direct Marketing
BRIEF BIO: John is passionate about connecting local businesses and has Been running Omni Local for 5 years.
T: 07898 870 870
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Area Director

NAME: Phil Strachan
COMPANY NAME: Strangebrew
SERVICES: Branding, Identity and Design Consultancy
T: 07770 753975
BIO: I am a Business and Brand Alchemist and I add value to Businesses and Brands of all shapes and sizes by helping them to stand out from the crowd. I do this by getting them to 'Think Brand - not bland' and by stopping them from just jumping on the blandwagon and risking becoming the bland that time forgot.

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Area Ambassador

Position Open
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Click here to request a callback

Upcoming Meetings
